Meet Max the Mascot

Our logo icon, Max, symbolizes the ultimate protector who is always on guard, protecting you in the harshest work environments. It represents who we are as a company, being a manufacturer, advocate for safety, and expert in the field of safety gear. 
Manufacturer – As a manufacturer, we directly produce most of the newbb电子 supplied while utilizing our vast knowledge gained to assess other sources of supply for the remaining product, always focused on quality and competitiveness.
Advocate for Safety - Our leadership team actively engages with industry associations such as ISEA, NSC, and ASSP, contributing to creating industry guidelines and safety standards. 
Xperts in the Field – We specialize in providing solutions to workplace hazards in a machine shop, on an oil rig, or at a construction site. Our mission is to protect people, and we strive to fulfill it daily. 
Whenever you hear the words newbb电子平台 Safety, remember our guardian Max and know that We Protect People!

newbb电子平台 Safety MAX

The newbb电子平台 Safety Story


We protect people.

For more than 50 years we have proven to be a leader in gloves, glasses and garments.

Our strategy is to lead by:

  • Branding - Establish a recognized brand image across our portfolio of personal protection
  • Engagement - Execute 360 end-user engagements with our distributor partners
  • Innovation - Create innovative digital platforms and 21st- century safety solutions
  • Sustainability - Create sustainable solutions through: Products – Processes - Packaging

The Principles that Guide Us:

  • Integrity
  • Credibility
  • Accountability

Our Goal - Exceptional Loyalty:

We aspire to create and maintain exceptionally loyal customers, employees and suppliers. We want to be the supplier of choice in our core products to the most respected and valued distributors in the newbb电子 market. We want to be an employer who not only values employees for their contributions to our success, but also embraces and challenges them to be passionate about what they do at work, home and in their community.




Why newbb电子平台 Safety?


People & Support Product Testing Center Manufacturing & Technology newbb电子 Hazard Assessment

newbb电子平台 Safety People and Support  Product Testing Center Manufacturing and Technology newbb电子 Hazard Assessment

Unparalleled Support ISO Accredited Lab Exclusive Brands & Materials 360 Protection Program
Dedicated Customer Service The first fully accredited lab in Premium options include:                           Evaluate
Dedicated Inside Support North America assure consistent ARX® Measure Dedicated Local Support quality, conformance and                   NXG®                                         Analyze
Dedicated National End-user Support performance                                Hypermax®                                 Execute

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